It's Time for a Better Year and a Better You!
Feeling Stuck in Life?
Do you struggle to reach your goals on your own? Do you wish you could accomplish more and make the most out of your time? Look no further, because Project52 is here to revolutionize your productivity!
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your life and make the most out of every minute this year. Join Project52 today and unlock your full potential. Remember, time is our most valuable asset let’s make every second count.
For an introductory price of just $4.99/month, you can join our community and gain access to a wealth of resources to help you power up your life.
Here’s what you’ll get:
A companion weekly planning resource to the 52-week Monday Morning Motivation eBook, to help kick off your work week and get your Monday on.
Each week, you'll receive a life-hack with a deconstruct of the corresponding weekly motivation to help keep you on track and focused on your goals delivered right to your inbox.
As a member, you'll also have access to my LIVE monthly 10-minute Power-Up Webinar, where you'll learn valuable tips and strategies to help you stay motivated and achieve success in all areas of your life. (Short enough to squeeze into your break-time at work.)
Access to a free LIVE 30-minute virtual training session (delivered once every quarter) only to our exclusive Project52 members to help get you the tools/skills you need to be successful.
There’s even a mobile app to help keep you focused while on-the-go!
And as an added bonus for our Project52 Community members, we are offering 50% off pricing for 30-minute life coaching sessions! I will work with you one-on-one to identify your strengths and weaknesses, set realistic goals, and develop an action plan to help you achieve success.

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The Story Behind It All!

The Genesis of Monday Morning Motivations and Project52.
Isn’t it funny how when we were younger, we wanted time to speed up the hands of time so we could be older. We couldn’t wait turn 16 to get our driver’s license, and it felt like FOREVER to turn 18 so we could be an adult and get to do adult things. Now we wish time would slow down and we could earn back some of that youthful vim and vigor. Seems like the older we get the faster the years go by, seemingly in a blink of an eye.
At the start of each year, all kinds of fads and ads hit our news-feeds presenting ways for us to get healthier, wealthier, and improve our relationships. The reality is that none of these things will happen magically without first being intentional.
My Epiphany!
It’s hard to admit but I’m 52 now and I had an epiphany the other day. I made the connection between my age and there being 52 weeks in a year. The thought that our life is a lifelong project lived 52 weeks at a time one moment at a time is where Project52 originated. It’s me taking everything I’ve experienced over the years and using that wisdom and experience to help those caught in the same struggles I faced.
My passion is to help those in the evolution of becoming, stepping up, seeking more for themselves and their families, to find their ‘next’ whatever that next big thing may be.
Monday Morning Motivations
The 52 Monday Morning Motivations I started posting two years ago aren’t cutesy sayings to impress my LinkedIn or Instagram followers but were curated right out of my own lived experiences. Going thru cancer treatment but keeping myself inspired every Monday morning with a positive outlook while going thru a bleak situation. I’m hoping it encourages you that if I can make it so can you. Just to put it out there those 2-surprise cancer diagnoses are now in remission and I’m grateful to have a new lease on life!
I have faced some of the toughest challenges as I'm sure you have too. Everything from prolonged unemployment, bankruptcy, and to eventually employing myself by starting a landscaping business with no money or equipment. Then to the joys of being able to move out of Section-8 housing to owning my own home is as real as it gets. I hope to share more of my backstory in upcoming articles. For now, just know that I am familiar with what it means to fight for what you want in life and claw your way up and out of adverse circumstances.
Project52 Concept
Project52 is built on the premise that we all get the same 52 weeks - each year we are blessed to live it. We are rich with time but tend to be poor with managing it. I’ve heard it said (and you have too) “I just don’t have enough time!” However, we all get the same 24 hours each day. With the right focus and a clear plan, we can accomplish a lot in the next 12 months, 52 weeks, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, and 31,536,000 million seconds. Notice I said “we”. That’s because together, we can achieve more than we ever thought possible by ourselves. I hope to be a voice of encouragement and motivation to help you realize your goals and aspirations by building an online community of folks who are interested in rocking their 52-weeks with even more determination, purpose, and meaning.